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- Efficiently using more than 8 consoles (v1.1 15.09.96)
- ------------------------------------------------------
- Are you tired of typing in password and username whenever you want to
- access a unused text-console? Then this mini-HOWTO is for you!
- All the functionallity for using a new text-console without logging in
- is concentrated in the program `open'. Just issue
- open -sl
- and you will be teleported to a fresh console with your favourite
- shell prompting at you. Possibly this program is not part of your
- distribution, but read on.
- Most distributions provide only 8 console-devices. You can easily
- exceed this number while playing around with `open' so it's better to
- create a little stock of console-devices.
- Create the nesassary device-files
- ---------------------------------
- Log in as root. Then execute the following commands
- -----8<----- cut here -----8<-----
- cd /dev
- ./MAKEDEV tty9
- for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- do
- ./MAKEDEV tty1$i
- done
- -----8<----- cut here -----8<-----
- `/dev/MAKEDEV' is a shell-script. You can use `more' (or `less') to
- view the contents of this script to get more information about what
- happens.
- Of course running more than 2 login-prompts on your system is
- luxuriantly when using `open'.
- Get rid of all login-prompts but 2
- ----------------------------------
- Load the file `/etc/inittab' into your favorite editor and comment out
- all lines containing "getty" like shown below (hint: leave the rest of
- the file unchanged!).
- As you may have guessed, the char to make comments is `#'.
- -----8<----- cut here -----8<-----
- # /sbin/getty invocations for the runlevels.
- #
- # The "id" field MUST be the same as the last
- # characters of the device (after "tty").
- #
- # Format:
- # <id>:<runlevels>:<action>:<process>
- 1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 9600 tty1
- 2:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 9600 tty2
- #3:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 9600 tty3
- #4:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 9600 tty4
- #5:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 9600 tty5
- #6:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 9600 tty6
- #7:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 9600 tty7
- -----8<----- cut here -----8<-----
- Re-load the above configuration-file via the command `/sbin/telinit q'
- (as root ) and wipe out all running login-prompts with `killall getty'
- (or whatever sort of getty you're running; you can see them with
- `ps -aux').
- If you have your X-Session on vt8 (thats the console you change to
- when you press Ctrl-Alt-F8 ), you may wish to add the option `vt8' to
- the options for X in `/etc/X11/xdm/Xservers':
- -----8<----- cut here -----8<-----
- :0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X vt8
- -----8<----- cut here -----8<-----
- (Leave the rest of the file unchanged.) Voila, X is still on vt8 next
- time you boot Linux. Otherwise you would have found it on vt3.
- Install the program `open'
- --------------------------
- If the program `open' is not part of you distribution (Debian and
- RedHat provide it) then get the packet "dynamic-vt-1.1.tar.gz" from
- sunsite or it's mirrors.
- It contains `open' and a few other useful utilities; the installation
- is straightforward.
- You don't know how what "sunsite and it's mirrors" means? You don't
- know how to install a program?
- Sorry, that's beyond the scope of this mini-howto. It really makes me
- sick to see every HOWTO explaining this again and again (making it
- long and very boring). Ask an expert and write an
- `Software-Installation HOWTO' afterwards. Thank you.
- Test it out
- -----------
- You're done. Log into one console. Now, if you want to start a
- command-prompt (`bash', `tcsh') on an empty console just type
- open -sl
- No login-id, no password is required (because you have already
- authenticated yourself by logging in to one console).
- Alternativly, you can try the commands
- open -sl -- top
- open -l -- tail -f /var/log/messages
- open -sl -- pine
- If the screen is still messed up, try the command `reset' or reboot the
- computer once.
- The consoles no. 13-24 can be accessed with <AltGr-F1> till
- <AltGr-F12>.
- Programs like `tty', `ps' and `chvt' help you to navigate through the
- new bunch of consoles.
- Note: your sessions don't show up under `w' or `finger'.
- Winfried Trⁿmper <winni@xpilot.org>